Modern psychiatry integrated with contemporary psychoanalysis offers an enormously powerful body of knowledge for the relief of human suffering.


Treatment grounded in these disciplines helps people tame their baser instincts and harness optimal intimacy, cooperation, and constructive competition instead of ending up mired in destructive, cut-throat aggression, impotent rage, or dehumanizing sexuality.

Cumulatively these effects help people grow, change, integrate, modulate, and free up emotional energy in the service of creativity and mastery—in short, become their best selves.

The reverberations go well beyond the individual, fostering richer relationships, family life, and organizations. The ripple effect can help break the kinds of destructive cycles which, if left untreated, keep echoing through the generations.

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Wendy Jacobson, M.D.

How to Deprogram the Cult of Donald Trump | Opinion

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One could argue that Trump told a big truth to those hurt by globalization, while telling a big lie that solutions would be easy. Those who worship him must be helped to see that their rage and longing for protection blind them to reality. He does little for them except make them feel good while posing major threats. It is dangerous to worship false gods.

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